Why do we need a men's ministry?

Because the Church is losing men - and fast. Over the last 20 years, 38% of men in the UK left the Church. For men under 30, nearly 50% left. Why are we losing them?

C.S Lewis said, "English men visit pubs regularly not because they long to drink, but simply because they want to be with other men as men."


  • Because the modern church is often geared for women
  • Men don't form friendships as fast or easily as women
  • Worship songs are often about feelings and subjective
  • Men seek adventure and challenge, and the wild and adventurous aspects of their personalities can be completely starved in church

Here at Grace, we don't want our men to be part of those statistics.

We want to disciple and equip men to be all God called them to be and model the life of Christ. Married men, single, old or young are all welcome to our small groups (the Foundry), group intensives (the Refinery) and bring-a-friend events.