Detonate is our thriving Youth Ministry at Grace Church. Running every Friday night during the school term, it really is the best way to start off your weekend!
We are all about building relationships with each other and God. We take simple truths about who God is and mix it in with awesome social nights, impacting speakers, amazing camps, and crazy small group nights!
So if you are Year 9-13, come along and check us out, we'd love to see you! We meet from 7:30-9.00pm at Grace Church. Contact our team at youth@gracechurch.co.nz for more information about this ministry.
For information about Detonate's upcoming events - head over to our Facebook page.
FUSE is an exciting programme at Grace Church for Year 6-8 youth. What an ideal way to kick the weekend off with a bit of crazy fun!
FUSE is an awesome opportunity to bring your friends along, hang out and meet new people. We are all about building relationships with each other and God. We take simple truths about who God is and mix it in with some awesome social nights, epic games, and great speakers.
So if you are Year 6-8, come along and check us out! Meet at Grace Church from 6.00-7.30pm, every Friday night during school term.
Contact youth@gracechurch.co.nz for more info

There are a number of Christian camps in our region, and many of our youth serve at these exciting camps during their holidays. We encourage our young people to experience this ministry for themselves, because we know that this supportive environment is a place where they will be challenged and develop essential leadership skills as a result.
We believe in equipping our young people to become strong leaders who can positively impact our community, both now and in the future.
Want to know more about our local Christian camps?
Check out these links: Curious Cove (Kiwi Ranch), Teapot Valley, Bridge Valley